Hair Transplant Cost and Options

Hair transplant cost in Dubai

Hair loss is a reality that hardly anyone can escape. More than 53% of men experience hair loss by the age of 40. It is a common problem among men and women but it is more prominent in men. Male pattern baldness is more common than female pattern baldness. Many natural remedies are used to fight off air loss. However, it does not always stop with homemade remedies. If hair loss becomes continuous, a hair transplant becomes the only solution. While losing hair is a reason for losing confidence, getting a hair transplant also leads to several confusions. Most people are afraid of spending a lot of money when they are unsure of the results. So, before undergoing a hair transplant, it is important to know the hair transplant cost in Dubai or wherever you’re undergoing it.

In this article, we have shared everything that you need to know about a hair transplant. We have discussed different options available for transplant as well as their cost. Moreover, we also discussed the risks associated with a hair transplant.

So, read on to find out about the cost and options for a hair transplant.

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What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that extracts hair follicles from the donor site. After extraction, the extracted hair is transplanted onto the bald spots. In this way, a patient’s own hair follicles are used as implants that regrow into new hair.

The procedure is not a new one as it has been in practice since the 1950s. However, the techniques and tools have come a long way from then. Nowadays, state of the art tools and technology is being used for hair transplants.

A hair transplant is a clinic-based procedure. It is mostly performed in a doctor’s clinic/hospital. The scalp is cleansed and numbed before starting the transplant. Depending on the area for transplant, the procedure can take from 4-12 hours for completion.

Who is the right candidate for a hair transplant?

Before jumping under the knife, we must be sure about our candidacy. Sometimes, a hair transplant is the last thing that we need but we make it the first.

Before we undergo a hair transplant, we should know the reason behind our hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by several reasons and a hair transplant is not always a practical solution.

In most cases, natural remedies, a healthy diet, and some lifestyle changes will have a positive influence on our hair health. If they don’t work, there are medications available for preventing hair loss. But if you don’t see any improvement using these, only then undergo a hair transplant.

The procedure is an extensive one and costs a lot. So, unless you’re a hundred percent sure, don’t just jump to conclusions.

The right candidates for a hair transplant should have one or all of the following qualities:

  • The age of an ideal candidate should be between 25 and 65 years.
  • The patients must be suffering from pattern baldness for more than 5 years.
  • On the Norwood Scale, the patients must have progressed to class 3 or above.
  • Anyone who has lost hair as a result of trauma or burns is an ideal candidate.
  • Patients who have lost their hair due to any cosmetic procedure are also fit for a hair transplant.
  • All patients must have realistic expectations of the procedure.

How many options for a hair transplant are available?

Commonly, two techniques are used for a hair transplant. These are:



In Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT, the surgeon cuts a linear strip of skin from the donor site. Usually, the donor site is at the back of the head. After extracting hair follicles from the skin strip, small incisions are made in the recipient site. Then, the extracted hair follicles are implanted in the incisions. The donor site is sealed with sutures which leaves a long linear scar even after healing. However, the scar can be hidden under the hair.

On the other hand, in Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE, the hair follicles are extracted individually from the donor site. The procedure is less invasive than FUT but it takes more time as follicles are extracted one by one. In this technique, the back of the head is shaved to make the extraction easier. Instead of a linear scar, there will be several tiny scars that look like scabs.

What is the hair transplant cost in Dubai?

The cost of a hair transplant in Dubai depends on several factors. These may include:

  • location
  • technique
  • doctor’s expertise
  • number of sessions
  • number of grafts

These are just some of the factors that influence the cost of a hair transplant. However, usually, Dubai clinics charge per graft with a single graft costing between AED 10 and AED 12 for FUT. For FUE, each graft costs around AED 15 and AED 20.

What risks and side effects are associated with a hair transplant?

Just like any other surgical procedure, hair transplants also have some associated risks and side effects. Most of these side effects are temporary and subside after a few days.

Common side effects of a hair transplant are:

  • mild pain
  • swelling
  • bleeding
  • infection; known as folliculitis
  • scarring
  • unnatural-looking hair
  • inflammation
  • shock loss

All of these problems will either go away on their own or with prescribed medications. However, if any problem persists, consult with your surgeon immediately. He/she will suggest a solution so you can avoid any mishaps.

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Hair loss is not a non-treatable problem anymore. Several clinics in different parts of the world including Dubai offer hair transplants. To know hair transplant cost in Dubai, you need to visit or call your nearest hair transplant clinic. Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic is one of the top-rated hair clinics offering hair transplants among other services. Schedule a free consultation session with one of our expert surgeons by filling out the form below.


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Written By: Dr. Cagatay Sezgin

Dr. Cagatay Sezgin is a celebrity hair transplant surgeon with over 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and restoration. He is the First Turkish Board Surgeon to become a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the Asian Association of Hair Transplant Surgeons (AAHRS). Moreover, he has the honor of becoming the first hair transplant surgeon in the world to perform hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation all in one case and that too in a single session.

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